Kurginyan: Helicopter crash that killed Iranian President does not look like an ordinary accident

09.06.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The circumstances surrounding the helicopter crash that killed Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi suggest that the tragedy was not an ordinary catastrophe, said philosopher, political scientist, and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on May 27 in his article for The Essence of Time newspaper.

The helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian crashed on May 19, 2024.

Weather conditions were normal for the most part of the flight duration, said Sergey Kurginyan quoting the head of the Iranian Presidential Office, Gholam-Hossein Esmaeili, published on May 21 by the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), the official news agency of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Thereby, Esmaeili refuted the most generally accepted and anti-conspiracy version of the disaster, according to which it was caused by weather conditions, noted the political scientist.

Esmaeili was on board in one of the other two helicopters accompanying the presidential helicopter, the expert pointed to the fact.

However, since the Iranian president was flying in a helicopter along with two others, called escort aircraft,then whatever happened to the presidents helicopter: whether the helicopter got lost in the fog or that there was a failure of emergency warning systems, or about something else, how could the incident not have been noticed by the surviving escort helicopters?” – Kurginyan wondered.

The leader of the Essence of Time movement emphasized that two other helicopters were suppose to identify the accident site and immediately transmit the exact coordinates of the location where, for one reason or another, the presidential helicopter crashed.

But, for some reason, for almost a day, Iranian services rushed about in search of the fallen helicopter. Moreover, they could not even narrow down the search area. And they used quite extravagant means for the search, including the Turkish heavy drone Bayraktar Akinci,” explained the political scientist.

If the weather had threatened a serious disaster, it would have affected all three helicopters, and not just the presidential aircraft, which is the most equipped with safety equipment, added the expert.

According to the analyst, “these undeniable events, this set of facts make the version of an ordinary catastrophe caused by weather conditions or technical problems not so convincing.”

There is not the slightest desire to call this version completely groundless. Indeed, any reality is much more insidious than what any analytical thinking wishes to impose on it. In such a reality, there is always a place for the unpredictable, for the strange and even the semi-crazy. And in our logical constructions, all this, by definition, is taken out of equation,” concluded Sergey Kurginyan.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency