Kurginyan: NATO contraction for Russia is more dangerous than its expansion

12.09.2022, Aleksandrovskoye.

The large number of countries in the NATO alliance is paradoxically saving Russia, since it prevents the simultaneous outbreak of several proxy wars, political scientist, philosopher, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said in a special issue of Destiny broadcast on YouTube on September 10.

We are saved, rather than destroyed, ironically enough, by this very NATO expansion. Do you know why? Because the more countries are in NATO, the fewer gray areas like Ukraine. The countries that are its members can no longer fight us conventionally outside NATO – they don’t have that opportunity,” explained the political scientist.

Kurginyan suggested imagining the consequences of the currently debated withdrawal of certain countries from the North Atlantic Alliance – for example, Japan and Poland – which will allow them, in his words, “to exist in a gray area” and unleash conventional wars without escalating to a nuclear conflict.

The philosopher listed the conditions under which it could still come to a nuclear confrontation: “if very privileged madmen (they do exist) want it and push it forward – which is very unlikely; if an accidental malfunction occurs; if, again, some red lines are moved semi-accidentally.

Kurginyan stressed that these conditions are “not so many,” and that most geopolitical actors are still afraid of nuclear war. “But a big ‘gray’ conventional war may well unfold to put us in unbearable conditions,” warned the leader of the Essence of Time movement, calling for a change in society and its informational, conceptual, ideological, spiritual and cultural mobilization in order to avoid it.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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