Kurginyan: The Soviet establishment nurtured an intelligentsia that killed the USSR

13.08.2022, Moscow.

The ruling bureaucracy in the USSR patronized an intelligentsia that hated the Soviet state, writes philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan in his article Kurginyan: How the Russian Intelligentsia Betrayed the USSR and the Workers published in issue 492 of the Essence of Time newspaper.

Sergey Kurginyan told about an contemptuous attitude of the bureaucrats to the workers, which could be observed as early as in 1960s. In one instance, that could be a phrase like “Our hegemon is drunk again” said over one’s shoulder. In another instance, it could be a sardonical song by songwriter Aleksandr Galich who hated the Soviet “hegemon,” i.e. the proletariat.

By the beginning of the perestroika, an intelligentsia had formed that hated the society it was part of, the political scientist writes.

“This kind of intelligentsia was raised by a stratum that could be called, in the rough approximation, the ruling establishment bureaucracy. The most active part in such raising certainly  belonged to the security services’ establishment bureaucracy,” the political scientist explains.

Contemptuous attitude of the Soviet intelligentsia was combined with extreme apathy among the working class, which by early 1980s had lost actual hegemony, Kurginyan notes. He reminded that back in the 1920s a discussion took place in the Bolshevist party regarding the future of the party in the event it detaches from the proletariat. In this event, the Bolsheviks believed, the party would betray the interests of the workers. This is exactly what happened.

“Then, this was called a Thermidorian degeneration, the nurturing of certain grave-digger inside the socialist society. How this grave-digger did its job we saw in practice in the relatively recent past,” Kurginyan concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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