Eyewitness: Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine get shot in the knee

11.05.2022, Paris.

The only war crimes in Ukraine were committed by the Azov battalion (organization banned in Russia).

On May 10, former serviceman Adrien Bocquet told French SudRadio about war crimes committed by the Ukrainian army, or more specifically, by the Azov battalion (organization banned in Russia). Bocquet was asked to go to Ukraine for 15 days and deliver humanitarian aid in the form of medical supplies.

“I am a witness to a war crime. The only war crimes I saw during my time in Ukraine were crimes committed by the Ukrainian military, not the Russian military. This does not mean that there are no war crimes on the part of the Russian military,” Bocquet said.

When he returned to France, he was extremely shocked. According to him, 80 percent of the people who talk in the media about this special operation were not there, which means they cannot speak objectively. “What I saw with my own eyes is not mentioned by any media. Which to me is disgusting,” he said.

Bocquet had to deliver humanitarian aid not only to civilians, but also to the military. Bocquet talks about the Azov battalion (organization banned in Russia). “They have chevrons with neo-Nazi swastikas, which shocked me. And it doesn’t cause any problems,” the former military man added.

“I worked with these people. I gave them medicine. Do you know what they were talking about? (I understand a little bit of Ukrainian, Russian and English). If they see Jews or Black people, they will destroy them. And these conversations make them laugh. That’s the first thing they will do,” Bocquet said.

Bocquet went on to describe what he had managed to see when they were delivering humanitarian aid.

“I saw Russian military men who were prisoners, who were badly beaten and tied up. We were in some kind of hangar. The Russian prisoners were brought in vans three or four at a time. Each arriving soldier was shot in the knee. I have video evidence of this. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to talk about it. The video shows the Russian military getting shot in the knee. Upon arrival, the Ukrainian military asked which one of them [Russian military] was an officer. And whoever answered that he was an officer was shot in the forehead. That’s how it happens in Ukraine,” Bocquet said.

He also said he had seen American journalists filming bombings for the sake of a “picture” and saying it was supposedly the Russians, but in fact it was Azov (organization banned in Russia). “And when I asked the journalists why you were doing that, they told me, ‘It’s okay, it’s just to have a picture.”

“The shells fly in both directions. If the shell is fired by the Ukrainian army – where will it fall? Of course it will fall on a residential building. Why aren’t we talking about this? It can’t be that all the bombardments and all the hits are only from the Russians.”

“I was in a hotel where there was shelling nearby. A bomb flew in 500 meters away [from the hotel]. I immediately went to the site. We saw five rockets, five hits. Four rockets hit weapons depots, weapons sent by Europe, and then they’re distributed it.”

“Do you know where they store more weapons stockpiles? They store weapons in apartment buildings.”

He concluded by saying that he had been kidnapped by the Azov (organization banned in the Russian Federation) military. “They had doubts about me, but since I came with humanitarian aid and it was really true and they checked it out, they let me go, but the road to Ukraine is closed to me. Well it is clear now after what I have just told you here.

Bocquet said at the end of his interview, “I would like more and more people to tell what they really saw with their own eyes.”

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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