Opinion. Conflict between Iran and Azerbaijan affects India and Pakistan

31.10.2021, Moscow.

The aggravation of the relations between Iran and the Turkey-Azerbaijan tandem started to involve other countries in the conflict, the article A big war is being prepared in Transcaucasia? published on October 30 in the Essence of Time newspaper reads.

The authors wrote that the polarization of positions of regional and neighboring countries caused by the conflict between Azerbaijan and Iran affected Pakistan and India.

The article reads that during the conflict, Pakistan, which is friendly to Azerbaijan, initiated a process of even greater rapprochement with the republic. It is noted that on October 4 Azerbaijan International Road Carriers Association (ABADA) reported that Pakistan started to carry out cargo transportation to Europe via Azerbaijan.

All this could not but cause the activation of India, the article reads. It was reported that, for the first time in history, the Indian Foreign Ministry paid an official visit to Armenia on October 12.

According to experts, India and Iran are interested in the transport corridors “Persian Gulf-Black Sea” and “North-South” running through Armenia.


Since 1858 the territory of modern India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar was considered a British colonial possession. In 1947 British India gained independence and was divided into two independent states: India and Pakistan. The main point of conflict between the two countries was the Kashmir region. It became a disputed territory claimed by India, Pakistan, and China.

After the first Indo-Pakistani war (1947-1949), Kashmir was divided into two controllable parts. The ceasefire line (now called the Line of Control) in Kashmir actually, but not legally, became the border between India and Pakistan.

The situation is exacerbated by the fact that Kashmir has traditionally been a Muslim territory, and the vast majority of the population is now Muslim. After the uprising in Indian Jammu and Kashmir in 1980, there was a sharp increase in the activity of terrorist organizations advocating the independence of the region.

Pakistan is interested in gaining control of all of Kashmir, because this, among other things, provides it with a convenient transportation route to its ally China.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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