Moscow State University professor points out a dangerous mistake in Putin's article

13.07.2021, Moscow.

There is an error in Vladimir Putin’s article “On the historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians,” which simply reinforces the wall erected between Russians and Ukrainians, political scientist and professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University Sergey Cherniakhovsky said to Rossa Primavera News Agency.

On July 12, an article “On the historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians” written by the president of Russia was published on the Kremlin website. In his article, he noted that the “wall” between Russia and Ukraine is being built to destroy the historical and spiritual unity, and it is a common misfortune.

Vladimir Putin also wrote that the Bolsheviks abandoned the concept of a triune Russian people and developed the idea that Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are three different peoples, and for political reasons “glued” the Ukrainian SSR from different parts, which previously had nothing to do with Ukraine, thus “robbing Russia.”

“In Putin’s article I did not like the usual talk that Ukraine was created at the expense of Russian lands, and that Russia was robbed as a result of one or another of the actions of the leaders of the Bolshevik party,” explained Chernyakhovsky.

The political scientist believes that the Bolshevik leaders pursued a national policy precisely to preserve the unity of lands and peoples.

By the 20th century, and during the New Age, Russia began to emerge as a new nation, he noted.

“The nation and the people are not the same things. Because all in all, a nation is when to the problem of the national market, of national unity is added to all the attributes that define people – linguistic, cultural, geographical, historical, and so on,” Chernyakhovsky explained.

However, in the USSR, unification was based on other principles, explained the professor.

“And just in opposition to this was the creation of the Soviet state, which really fixed the fact that the nations formed in a new historical community. They could live together because they were already doing without the existence of the bourgeoisie. They are united by a common goal, a common ideology and a common history,” he specified.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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