Kurginyan: Capitalism aims to produce an absolutely obedient Man

13.04.2021, Moscow.

Mutating capitalism, equipped with enormous technical capabilities, completely discards humanism and moves from producing things to producing Man in order to rescue itself, said the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist Sergey Kurginyan on April 6 on the Evening with Vladimir Solovyov program on Russia One channel.

Inappropriately strict measures were applied to fight the spread of the coronavirus, noted the analyst. The pandemic was used to create an all-out surveillance regime and to speed up the digitalization process. In this environment, “governments begin competing with global corporations” for a complete control over the population.

Now, there are huge masses of data, completely new technical capabilities. And capitalism said: ‘we will produce Man as well! Us too. The kind of Man we need. This is going to be a kind of a post-human person who will be absolutely obedient, and our main focus will be not on producing things and knowledge, but on producing ‘anthropos’. We will begin to produce it, literally, as a product,” – explained the political scientist.

“Humanism, the whole idea of the human essence, the idea of human ascension and so on” resists to dehumanization process, to the final objectification of Man, therefore capitalism is forced to destroy it all. Capitalism must completely cancel the era of humanism, both secular and religious in order to start the era of total anthropologic manufacturing.

“So, we are entering an era of the iron rule where competition will take place between the largest states and the largest corporations over the hegemony in surveillance,” explained Kurginyan.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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