Publicist: Lithuanian statehood stands on the foundation of outrageous lie

20.01.2021, Vilnius.

A group of left-wing Lithuanian patriots made a film about the events of January 13, 1991, in Vilnius. The film was published on January 13, the thirtieth anniversary of the events, on the Kibirkštis TV YouTube channel.

One of the authors of this film-investigation Juozas Mitskevičius in an interview with Rossa Primavera News Agency explained the prompting for this historical excursus, “It is 30 years anniversary of tragic events of January 13, 1991, in Vilnius: They, or, more precisely, their official (and therefore anti-Soviet, anti-communist and, accordingly, Russophobic) version is one of the most important myths on which the concept of history, and, of course, the ideology of the modern Lithuanian regime stands today.”

According to the film’s authors, despite the fact that 13.01.1991 is actually a cult date in Lithuania, almost no one celebrated it at the state level in the country: people did not gather anywhere, only in the Seimas [Lithuanian parliament] some people loudly praised the “patriarch” of anti-Soviet Lithuania – Vytautas Landsbergis.

A group of Lithuanian patriots considers their film devoted to the tragedy of January 13 as “another opportunity to give their people information that the whole anti-Soviet regime of Lithuania hides from them”.

According to the authors, the essence of the hidden truth is that both the anti-Soviet movement Sąjūdis and perestroika in general were only parts of the project of destruction of the Soviet Union and real socialism/communism in the world. Behind this project, as stated in the film, stood “the Kremlin elite – the part of the elite that wanted to build criminal capitalism in the country in order to become part of the Western elite … Moreover, the so-called ‘independence’ of Lithuania is only a farce, and the events of January 13 in the end are certainly not as straightforward and simple as the anti-Soviet propaganda presents them to people.”

The authors of the film believe what happened in Vilnius on January 13 is nothing else but a “prototype” of all “colored revolutions” in the 21st century and that 13 victims (who were killed allegedly by Soviet soldiers, which today are called “barbarian occupants”) may have been killed by bullets of “their own forces”, who gained from showing the world the harshness of the USSR.

Juozas Mitskevičius says, “There are many witnesses. On behalf of them, the Lithuanian writer Vytautas Petkevičius, who was even once the head of “Sąjūdis”, also spoke in the film, confirming the above mentioned. Left-wing politician Algirdas Paleckis was fined for this truth. This truth is what the Lithuanian comrades are now talking about in their interviews. Among them – witnesses and even participants of those events of January, 1991.”

In connection with the anniversary of the events, the group of authors which made this film prepared and published a translation into Lithuanian of an analytical article The Lithuanian syndrome by political scientist Sergey Kurginyan written in February 1991. The translation was made “so that simple Soviet citizens of that time could get acquainted with the truth about the essence of the matter. This information will be useful also for Lithuanians of 2021.”

The work done by an initiative group of Lithuanian left-wing patriots should, in their opinion, “motive the Lithuanian people to make at least one step in the direction of the truth.” “It is especially important for Lithuania, whose statehood for the last 30 years, unfortunately, has been standing on the fragile foundation of outrageous lie,” summed up the author of the idea of the released video.

Sąjūdis (in Lithuanian “Movement”) is a Lithuanian social and political organization that led the process of separation of the Lithuanian SSR from the Soviet Union in 1988-1990.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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