Kurginyan: Ukraine will inevitably split into pro-Russian and pro-Bandera parts

02.01.2021, Donetsk.

Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky’s domestic policy pushes the country to split, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on December 28 during an interview to Donetsk’s TK Union channel.

Sergey Kurginyan stressed that Zelensky’s actions have resulted in pro-Bandera forces gaining a majority in the Ukrainian parliament, which are aggressive towards the Donbass population and Russia. Zelensky will also face pro-Russian (relatively speaking) forces moving away from him. Having overcome the madness of “Zelenization”, these forces will understand that they need to act in alliance with Russia.

The political scientist marked a political divide that will bring supporters of the two mutually exclusive movements on opposing sides. The more one side will accumulate those who seek for the return of Poroshenko or someone more harsh, the more the other side will gather champions of the opposite direction. Kurginyan added, “Ukraine will face a political split that cannot be avoided. This split will take place, it is inevitable.”

The leader of the Essence of Time movement said that the Ukrainian people have been deliberately driven mad in order to make them elect comedian Vladimir Zelensky as president.

“The Ukrainian people are being driven mad, their country is being transformed into an African one, this is being done step by step. Unfortunately, they have begun to dance to the tune, not everybody, but still a considerable part of the people. They have begun to believe hysterically in Zelensky as a fairy tale character. But now this hysteria is wearing off,” explained Sergey Kurginyan.

The political scientist clarified that this madness can be discerned in all the post-Soviet republics as they have been degrading since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. All the peoples of these republics are subject to this process. It is impossible to understand what is happening in Ukraine without the acknowledgment of this phenomenon.

“Now it is some sort of hangover, but the degradation has not been stopped. Zelensky cannot count on any victory. Ukraine is a parliamentary republic to a great extent, and he will not secure the parliament majority,” stressed Kurginyan.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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