Kurginyan: USSR disintegrated after abandoning its own trend

13.07.2020, Moscow.

The Soviet Union disintegrated after it abandoned its own global trend, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said in “The Meaning of the Game” broadcast published on the movement’s YouTube channel on July 10.

“The USSR was out of trend for a very long time. To a certain extent, it had its own capability for ‘offering a trend.’ The latter was an alternative to what the anti-Soviet world used. This is what saved its people. But now this is a thing of the past,” Kurginyan explained.

According to the political scientist, the USSR lost the cold war after its stopped promoting its trends. Kurginyan believes that Russia today is unable to offer its own trends at the levels of ideology, values, and way of life, because it elite is completely unprepared to challenge the West.

Russia’s reaction to the challenge of the global perestroika initiated by the coronavirus epidemic is situational in its nature. In the beginning, the policy of the Russian authorities was completely in the mainstream of the Western trend, and later they began “to maneuver in the mainstream.” The Russian elite is inherently unable to defend its opinion about the current events, because such an opinion implies having its own ideology, which it will never admit today.

Expressing his judgment on the Chinese elite’s policy during the coronavirus pandemic, Kurginyan noted that China relies on its own leadership within the existing globalization trend.

“Objectively, today there is no chance of allying with any country based on an alternative world order ideology. China does not want such an alternative. It wants to win within the existing global trend. This is a consistent intention of the Chinese elite,” the political scientist explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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