Kurginyan: Coronavirus madness will ruin trust in authority

30.05.2020, Moscow.

The increased mortality from diseases not related to coronavirus infection will ruin trust in the government authority in Russia, said the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on May 29 in his original broadcast “The Meaning of the Game” released on the movement’s YouTube channel.

Experts have repeatedly pointed to the fact that repurposing specialized medical institutions in order to address the urgent need in hospitals that can combat coronavirus infections will lead to increased mortality among patients with other diseases. Kurginyan raises the question of why there is such a lack in reaction on the part of the authorities to the blatant imbalance in how the resources are allocated in regards to mortality risk factors.

It is necessary to understand not only COVID-19 itself, but also the human nature of those who could correct the tendencies that I call COVID hysteria,” said the leader of the Essence of Time.

Ill-advised measures to combat the coronavirus and quarantine organization will ruin the authorities’ reputation among the public, said Kurginyan, – “Do our elites not understand what happens after a ruined reputation in such case or other public situations? Do they not understand that every household is talking about the results of this so-called distance education?”

The authorities find themselves in a ridiculous situation, points out Kurginyan, when they allocate huge funds for additional payments to doctors involved in the fight against coronavirus infection; while at the same time, they unable to control the adequate distribution of these funds.

“We hear official orders to make necessary payments to doctors over and over again. We hear that the funds were transferred to the accounts of those who must make such payments. Such order should not be repeated. Society should not hear repetitions, because when it hears them, it knows that the orders are not being followed. Does this not cause any reaction in society? ”,  asks the audience the leader of the Essence of Time.

It should be mentioned that in May, Russian President Vladimir Putin twice demanded that the federal authorities stop delaying payments to doctors for working with COVID-19 patients.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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