Analyst: Poland repeats Brexit rhetoric

03.02.2020, Warsaw.

Polish ruling elites repeat the rhetoric that led the United Kingdom to Brexit, writes analyst Michał Szułdrzyński on February 3 in an article in Rzeczpospolita newspaper.

The author lists the reasons the UK and Poland criticized the EU for. This list includes immigration policy, trade agreements, and Brussels’ attempts to impose its political will on EU countries.

Polish right-wing politicians defend Poland’s membership in the EU, while their “total critique” of the EU is pushing the country towards the exit, notes Szułdrzyński. Therefore, he recommends the governing Law and Justice party to prevent Polexit.

“Law and Justice is turning Brussels and Berlin into whipping boys guilty of all our problems for the purpose of the current political debate. This leads to a conflict with consequences which are hard to predict today,” writes the analyst.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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