The deepest Russian desire is explained

08.11.2019, Moscow.

Russia’s citizens have demonstrated that they refuse to reject classical values in the family, education, economy, and culture; therefore, their most profound desire is a real struggle for these values, according to a statement the Essence of Time movement published on November 7.

“Russia’s citizens have demonstrated that refuse to reject classical values in the family, education, economy, and culture. The struggle for Russia, for Man, and for humanity will continue!” reads the press release of the rally “We remember the Great October, we shall defend the right to be Human!”

On November 7, the Essence of Time social movement led by Sergey Kurginyan is holding a rally in Moscow to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

According to the movement’s members, the revolution that took place in Russia 102 years ago opened the possibility of a historical choice in favor of development and the unfolding of the creative potential of Man and of the entire society. They believe that this choice resulted in the creation of the first socialist state in history, which won the greatest war ever, and thus defended not only itself, but also freedom and equality for the whole of humanity.

“In the 21st century, after an overwhelming defeat, which was the disintegration of the USSR, Russia is facing a choice: to disappear forever, losing its culture, people, and territories, or to become the defender of Humanity and humanism, and thus defend itself and the world as a whole. Only our country can propose a new historical project for the world, an alternative to Postmodernity, because it is the only country that has experience in building an alternative mode of existence, while in the world of Postmodernity it is doomed,” the movement’s members conclude.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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