United Russia member: Pension reform was set up by anti-Putin conspirators inside elite

16.07.2019, Moscow.

The organizers of the Russian Maidan rely on their secret supports among the Russian authorities, member of the United Russia party, political scientist Sergey Markov said on July 14 in a comment to the Rossa Primavera News Agency.

“They [the Russian opposition supporting Maidan ― Rossa Primavera News Agency] expect that their secret supporters among the authorities will be able to come up with another pension reform in order to collapse president’s approval ratings, and then they will bring some number of people to the streets and set up a Maidan. This is what their strategy is,” Markov said.

The pension reform was signed on October 3, 2018. The reform followed a contentious public debate and wide protests across Russia. On September 25, the members of the Essence of Time movement submitted over one million “live” signatures of Russian citizens against the raising of the retirement age and for the replacement of the government.

The scandalous reform reduced the approval ratings of the United Russia party and the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin among the Russian citizens.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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