Historian: Calls to demolish Prokhorovka monument are seedlings of revanchism

11.07.2019, Moscow.

History Department Editor of the Die Welt German newspaper Sven Felix Kellerhoff’s statement that the memorial to the soldiers who died in the Prokhorovka tank battle should be demolished is part of the history re-writing work, the Deputy Director of the Institute of History and Policy of the Moscow Pedagogical State University Vladimir Shapovalov said in an interview to RT on July 10.

The purpose of this work, according to Shapovalov, is to discredit the historical role of the Soviet Union in the victory over the fascist Germany. The historian noted that seedlings of revanchism emerge increasingly often in Germany, promoted by civil and government officials who are dissatisfied with the outcomes of the war.

He noted that the Prokhorovka tank battle is a key episode of the Great Patriotic War, which became the turning point for Germany.

On July 9, Kellerhoff wrote in Die Welt that the Victory Monument at the Prokhorovka field, commemorating the Soviet soldiers who died in the tank battle on July 12, 1943, must be immediately demolished. The German journalist believes that no mass battle took place at all there.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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