Russian Foreign Ministry: EU avoids talking about glorification of Nazism and rewriting history

07.02.2019, Moscow.

The topics of the glorification of Nazism and the rewriting of history are avoided and ignored in the European Union, an official of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Russian: MID) for human rights, democracy, and rule of law Grigory Lukyantsev said at a MID briefing on May 7.

“We indeed take to heart any attempts to falsify history or to revise the outcomes of World War Two, any attempts to glorify Nazism, to belittle or disclaim the heroism of those who gained that great victory. To keep the historical truth is our common duty before the generations of today and of the future,” the MID official said.

Recalling a resolution against the glorification of Nazism that the European Parliament adopted, Lukyantsev expressed hope that “the EU will stop silencing the discussion of current issues, ignoring the concerns and highly negative trends across the EU related to the glorification of Nazism and rewriting history, and that it will take meaningful steps to resolve the existing problems.”

On December 17, 2018, the UN General Assembly adopted a Russia-initiated resolution “Combatting glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.” 130 countries voted for the resolution. Only two countries voted against; those were the USA and Ukraine. In October 2018 the European Parliament referred to the UN GA resolution in its resolution on the escalation of neo-Nazi violence in Europe.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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