US: New doctrine will give us opportunity to be first to use nuclear weapons

14.01.2018, Washington.

Using conventional non-nuclear weapons against the U.S. would be the adequate cause to strike by nuclear weapons in retaliation, the authors of the new nuclear weapons doctrine project stated, TASS reported on January 13.

According to the document, that retaliation is possible in case of an attack against the U.S. civilians, civil infrastructure, command centers and also posts of missile attack warning system. The Pentagon supposes that nuclear attacks of retaliation are possible in case of both attack against the U.S. and against their allies and partners.

Besides, according to the document, the U.S. with their NATO allies come short of production of nuclear weapons.

The American experts state in the document that Russia has the advantage in the nuclear weapon production and in non-strategic nuclear forces as compared to the U.S. and their allies.

The Pentagon is concerned that, for the last years, the Russian Federation has been developing a whole set of modern non-strategic precision weaponry, which can bear both a usual and a nuclear charge. Fast pace of development, production, and arming of the Russian army by the most modern delivery systems of even non-strategic nuclear weapons, according to the U.S. experts,  are a threat to the U.S. national security.

President of the U.S. Donald Trump ordered to prepare the new nuclear weapons doctrine of the U.S. on 27 January of the last year. In October 2017 the President of the U.S. stated that he would want to decouple the U.S. nuclear arsenal. The U.S. military focuses on the capability of producing a large number of nuclear charges of low power which can be used in retaliation to non-nuclear menace.

Editorial Comment

The U.S. remained to be the only superpower on the planet after the dissolution of the USSR. The Russian refusal of strategic rivalry with the U.S. allowed them for a long time to not develop and expand their nuclear arsenal, which was enough to destroy any country except Russia. The U.S. has followed the path of development and adaptation of the most advanced non-nuclear weapons, such as precision-guided missiles.

However, appearance of new “nuclear” players on the world stage and declaring a new Cold War to Russia by the West forced the U.S. military to turn their attention to the condition of the own nuclear arsenal again.

The day after the doctrine project was leaked, Hawaii issued a false ballistic attack warning. The U.S. has a history of provocations, such as 9/11, which they used for their own purposes (like cracking down on privacy, citizen’s rights and launching wars in the Middle East). The Hawaii ballistic missile attack warning was cancelled only half an hour later – more than enough for any missile to reach the U.S., and also more than enough for the U.S. to launch their own nuclear missiles at any state they will blame for the attack under the leaked doctrine project. This makes the new doctrine dangerous to the whole world.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency


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