In Italy there is an urge to ban Facebook pages which justify fascism

26.04.2017, Italy.

On April 25, in her address to Facebook’s administration, Laura Boldrini, the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy, stated the need to ban the propaganda of fascist and Nazi ideas through the Facebook social network, reported the RIA Novosti news agency.

In Laura Boldrini’s address it is said that fascist manifestations, as well as all forms of fascist apologetics, are prohibited in Italy.  Laura Boldrini informed her audience that according to a survey which was conducted by the National Association of the Italian Partisans (ANPI), about 2700 Facebook pages in Italy are related to right-wing extremism. 300 of them are of an openly fascist nature. This is why the discussion has now become important. Since Facebook, as a social network, is one of the most important tools of youth communication, the existence of pro-fascist pages poses a real threat today, said the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy.

According to Laura Boldrini, Facebook responded to her appeal. The answer was that those social network pages that justify fascism, are not blocked. Altogether, Facebook’s leadership did not clearly explain their position towards fascism.

Facebook reports that their social network uses rules and policies of an international nature, and where possible, national legislation is also taken into account. In response to this reaction from Facebook, the President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies noted that fascism is not just an ordinary issue which concerns local laws. She stressed that fascism and Nazism resulted in the most severe tragedies in the history of the world. People and countries paid the highest price to defeat this evil. In her comments, Laura Boldrini said also that the United States is the country from where Facebook originated. However, thousands of young men from the US fought for freedom against fascism. She also reminded all that the current world order and the entire modern world is the result of the victory over fascism and Nazism.

Every year on April 25, Italy celebrates the Day of Liberation from fascism and German occupation, and demonstrations are held throughout Italy. On April 25, 1945, the National Liberation Committee called for an overall armed uprising, which eventually covered the occupied part of Italy.  In bloody battles, partisans and insurgents, among whom were Soviet citizens, liberated hundreds of cities in Northern and Central Italy, much before the Allied forces arrived.

The original of the picture is by chriscorneschi, license CC BY SA 2.0.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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