Kiev junta is lying in order not to withdraw artillery

02.09.2015, DPR.

DPR Deputy Defense Minister Eduard Basurin refuted Kiev junta’s accusations, according to which militia had not withdrawn heavy weaponry from the contact line in Donbass.

We withdrew all our heavy weaponry a long time ago. We have also unilaterally withdrawn artillery of less than 100 mm caliber 3 kilometers away from the contact line. They (Ukrainian forces – ed.) are just seeking ways to keep their heavy weaponry on their positions by stating that we still haven’t withdrawn ours.

This statement came as a response to allegations made by Yaroslav Chepurniya, a Sector “M” (Mariupol) special operation area press-officer. He stated that the militia still had heavy weaponry positioned along the contact line in Donbass, although the region is now “peaceful as never.”


Source: Donetsk News Agency

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